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REtechToday: facebook, google, search

REtechToday: facebook, google, search

Create your own customized short URLs Branding is what we do right? Why not look at unique ways of branding your online presence as much as possible. Jay mentions a unique way to do just that, all you need is an URL and a Google Apps account. I set one up on mine to...
REtechToday: google, lead generation, social networking

REtechToday: google, lead generation, social networking

Why Guest Blog? Let’s face it, we all want traffic to our blogs. Unfortunately, many blogs suffer a lack of traffic. Consider greatly improve your traffic by guest blogging. It makes sense, put your content in front of those who may not know of you but will like...
REtechToday: facebook, google, search

REtechToday: google, idx, lead generation, seo

The data on required vs voluntary sign-ups The debate goes back and forth on whether or not you should force search registration or all it to be voluntary. Everyone has an opinion, of course, but statistical data determines the winner. Chime in on this post with your...