by Brad Nix | Aug 28, 2009 | Articles
If you’re buying traffic using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising then you probably have a checklist for the intricate details… but what about the common sense stuff? It’s obvious the following Realtor doesn’t. In fact, I nominate the Realtor that...
by Brad Nix | Aug 28, 2009 | Articles
It’s the natural evolution of a marketplace to start putting all the hot features into a single unit (iPhone, anyone?) It sells like gangbusters. But, what gets left behind? As pointed out over on the HomeGain blog, companies like HomeGain, Active Rain, Trulia,...
by Brad Nix | Aug 28, 2009 | Articles
We tend to think of ourselves as rational, logical creatures. After all, it was out intellect that created so many of the great advances in our world. Even our schooling teaches us to use logic to solve problems and arguments. However, in all of those advances our...
by Brad Nix | Aug 28, 2009 | Articles
“Nothing is worse than going in the wrong direction, other than going in the wrong direction enthusiastically.” Frankly, no truer statement could be said in regards to you and your future in real estate. Frankly, it’s all too easy to not only go in...
by Brad Nix | Aug 28, 2009 | Articles
Marketing was once explained to me as a blend of timing and purpose. If that’s the case then it’s easy to assume the purpose of your real estate blog is to attract readers and convert those eyeballs into clients. But, the timing is a tricky and critical...