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RETSO Video: @AndyKaufman discusses REBarCamp

RETSO Video: @AndyKaufman discusses REBarCamp

Andy Kaufman is not only a real estate agent in the San Francisco Bay area, he is also one of the founders of REBarCamp. I asked him to join RETV before Christmas to discuss the past, present and future of REBarCamps. Our schedules did not align until this week, but...
REtechToday: Epic Battle of Google vs. Facebook

REtechToday: Epic Battle of Google vs. Facebook

We’ve all heard it said by gurus: Google is Dead! SEO is dead! Well, Jason Crouch doesn’t quite believe so, and I would have to agree with his statements.  While Facebook is growing rapidly, I don’t see a death of search engines any time soon. Take a...
RETSO Video: Rob Hahn

RETSO Video: Rob Hahn

Rob Hahn is one of my favorite people in the community because when he has a thought it usually leads to a great discussion among agents. Whether you agree with him on a subject or not, you always respect the thought that went into formulating his decision....
RETSO Radio: Dean Ouellette and Jeremy Blanton

RETSO Radio: Dean Ouellette and Jeremy Blanton

new year is here and the first show enjoyed a rapid fire exchange of techno-shuffling recaps and looks ahead. The countdown to RETSO4 is on and we’re looking for great stuff this year from all facets or the REtechSouth family and, more importantly, you! What...