by Brad Nix | Jan 5, 2011 | Video
Josh Aberson runs a very successful blog in Sioux Falls SD in which he uses a lot of video blogging. Josh has been using his blog to generate business and make his mark in the Sioux Falls real estate market. In this interview Josh and I talk about When he started...
by Brad Nix | Nov 29, 2010 | Video
RETV welcomes John Coley of has been working for years to create a niche for his real estate business. Coley now generates almost all his business from his blog where he uses video and text posts about community and homes for sale to tell a story...
by Brad Nix | Sep 30, 2010 | Video
I talk to Jason Berman about blogging, vlogging and reBlogWorld Jason Berman and Dean Ouellette discuss reBlogWorld and blogging for real estate agents. Jason Berman is the head planner for Real Estate Blog World. reBlogWorld is an offshoot of BlogWorld which is head...