by Brad Nix | Jan 5, 2011 | Video
Josh Aberson runs a very successful blog in Sioux Falls SD in which he uses a lot of video blogging. Josh has been using his blog to generate business and make his mark in the Sioux Falls real estate market. In this interview Josh and I talk about When he started...
by Brad Nix | Jan 4, 2011 | Articles
Welcome to the new year! There are exciting things in store for this year! Of course the most exciting thing is that REtechSouth is now only a few months away! Make sure to get your tickets ordered & plans made to attend the best real estate technology...
by Brad Nix | Jan 3, 2011 | Video
Many agents are making the move to form their own brokerage. Some have dreams of going big while others just enjoy keeping it small. Terry Swanson made the switch about 12 years ago and has not looked back. So what does it take to make a brokerage work and what advice...
by Brad Nix | Jan 1, 2011 | Articles
Happy New Years! To start 2011 on the right foot, RETSO the Robot came up with a solid idea to create another RETSO Challenge. The 2 for None Ticket Challenge And if you just said “What the heck is that?”, well, so did we. So we asked him. RETSO states,...
by Brad Nix | Dec 29, 2010 | Articles
The year is winding down with only a few days remaining. With that in mind, today we are focusing on things to help you start your new year off with a bang. The first one is from Tech Savvy Agent discussing that this week between Christmas & New Years is the...