Why Guest Blog?
Let’s face it, we all want traffic to our blogs. Unfortunately, many blogs suffer a lack of traffic. Consider greatly improve your traffic by guest blogging. It makes sense, put your content in front of those who may not know of you but will like what you have to say. Check out this article for tips and how-to’s to get started with guest blogging.
Capture clients on Google Maps
Imagine this, a home buyer sits down in front of his computer to do some searching. They end up on Google Maps to see the neighborhood and when they come to your listing they see your professional photograph geo-tagged to where your listing is located. Most agents will never take advantage or even know about this so why not get ahead of them. Start with this article.
A template for your social media strategy
I love social media, I was even told by someone yesterday reviewing my blog that I am overly social and needed to take some of it off my site. One thing I completely understand is agents who are reluctant to use all this technology because of the time drain it can cause. I know that feeling well because I used to be that agent. Now I have fairly good schedule of when I am on social media and not. My schedule is not as firm and structured as this plan, but it works for me. I would suggest reading this and using it as a template for your social media strategy.